Amor fati-----------
Love what is necessary, but forget the ghost.
Your haunting is an apparition; barely there,
immaterial, and never going to move into
the realm of the Real.
The potency between us was presymbolic,
more real than symbolizations--- but incommunicable
and utterly and essentially ineffective.
Do not include me in your fantasies.
I’ve discarded them for the purpose of my futurity.
Feminist essentialism, where I am located by origin and evolution,
means that I embrace the function of my difference.
Our differences made us exciting.
Contrast and contradiction are the elements of good design,
but without balance and harmony
they are just ingredients for chaos and disappointment.
Amor fati-----------
Love what is necessary, but release what is futile.
Attempting to hold on to you is like painting disfigured forms
that resist the elegance of a true gesture.
In order for the gesture to emerge,
the partnership has to be strong, intuitive and disciplined.
Sloppy forms are from sloppy souls. [1.]
[1.] It’s a sad ending to a long saga of mostly Imaginary-Symbolic-Desire. That whole desiring-to-desire-something thing. It’s as plain and simple as a Lacanian adventure through the Symbolic Order. He was the imaginary other in my imaginary desirescape. The Real was present, but ignored, as it didn’t fit within the narrative. “Il n’y a pas de rapport sexuel” said Lacan. It was, in its essence, the “enigmatic evasiveness of the Real”, or, the “inescapable condemnation of sexed subjects being essentially, necessarily out-of-sync with each other”. I went home early, relieved at having sloughed off a fantasy that distracted me for so long. Turns out he was only ever “other” with that lowercase “o”.