If we are all part of a system that capitalizes on all that lives, we need to work from within to make differences that actually matter.
-Rosi Braidotti, Posthuman Knowledge, Lecture at Harvard, 2019
threshold: GATE, DOOR; END, BOUNDARY; the place or point of ENTERING or BEGINNING; the point at which a physiological or psychological EFFECT begins to be produced; a LEVEL, POINT, or VALUE above which something is TRUE or will take place and BELOW which it is not or will not
“If great talents use movement, great art will move.”
-George W. Rickey, Morphology of Movement
{…} both art and other media, indeed all who work with any form of representation, have a special responsibility to make visible all those living beings and life sustaining entities that are otherwise invisible to the human eye. -Hanna Johansson, The Moment of Reckoning
The work of art is therefore a magical creation and, like procreation, it requires, in order to give rise to Being, a psychic charge produced by the spasm of love. -Louis Cattiaux
“We cannot name and identify that which we cannot desire."
-Gayatri Spivak
What is in the present is what the image. 'represents', but not the image itself, which, in cinema as in painting, is never to be confused with what it represents. The image itself is the system of the relationships between its elements, that is, a set of relationships of time from which the variable present only flows. […] What is specific to the image, as soon as it is creative, is to make perceptible, to make visible, relationships of time which cannot be seen in the represented object and do not allow themselves to be reduced to the present. […] . It is, for example, a coexistence of distinct durations, or of levels of duration; a single event can belong to several levels: the sheets of past coexist in a non-chronological order. -Deleuze, Cinema 2, xii