Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death. -Anais Nin
Haraway situates subjectivities- ‘cuz no one is without location. What is your vantage point, your advantage point? What can possibly clear the rooted matter that solidifies vision? My vision is multiple and many- doubled, tripled, troubled. AND form hurtling against itself is thrown beyond the synopsis of vision. Haraway: ‘only partial perspective promises objective vision’. Being partial means never quite fitting. To be dis-located requires confidence in knowings that only come from having been being so fully. Fully being is a rarity- I provoke you to come out and begin it. The velocity of velocities arrives in starting.
Fuck waiting for starting and start that shit now. Evolution requires movement and forms evolve sometimes slowly and always through multiple and ugly moments. Let your shit be ugly. Just fuck it all to hell and make something. I’m sick of restriction and restraint- of holding it in thinking I’ll let it out later. Locomotion is key to sex and movement breeds the new. So fuck it!