I will tell you of this rupture, the event of this rupture that caused me to become formless, which caused me to become something else. It was my fourth month of pregnancy, while living in Paris, that I suffered a psychosis. It came on slowly- maybe it was swelling up for about a month or two. But I can remember clearly the night it erupted and I was catapulted into an alternate dimension which had a feeling that was the feeling of a very round and swollen moment. I was in the apartment, a 400 square foot room with wooden beams on the ceiling and a view of the garden in the backyard. It was August 2013. I was sitting at a small table with my diary. Thinking I was writing, but I was writing nothing. A small moth flew in front of me, and I could see it so clearly, so intensely, that I was not sure if it was a real moth or a machine-moth. I cannot explain much more than this particular experience of the moth, as it is hard to trace in memory. But I realized at that moment that something had shifted, swelled, and I was lost in a space of intensity. I became confused, how long had I been like this? Was it a day? A week? A month? Time lost meaning. But it was not a feeling of pleasure or contentment. It was a feeling of being lost. Lost in time. Mina Loy said that “Time is the dispersion of intensiveness”. What I can say of my experience is that the dispersion of the intensiveness of time had become condensed, and I was experiencing all of time, all at once.
I did not sleep that night. Nor did I sleep the following nights. I would leave the apartment only to be surrounded by what appeared to be perfectly orchestrated events for my own personal witnessing. This guy walking across the street just as I walked out from the front door was somehow a reaction to me walking out my front door, totally connected to my presence, my movement in space and time. Each image or word I saw contained a symbol or symbolism that was crafted for my own understanding, yet I could not entirely understand. When I would re-enter the apartment, I was certain, could feel, that someone had been inside while I was gone, searching my things and putting wires and microphones into my computer, behind the pillows on my bed, inside the television. Everything mechanical and electronic became repugnant to me. One afternoon, I took apart my computer to see if I could locate the bug that I was sure had been placed inside. I found nothing, but that did not dispel my belief. I began to whisper in the apartment, for fear I was being recorded. I stopped eating, bathing, and brushing my hair. I was so deeply entangled in the intensity that I stopped existing as a formal object, a physical thing which required physical care.
I began to believe I was dying. Or that somehow I had to choose between myself dying and the baby dying. If laying in bed, curling my body into a ball meant that I was choosing my own survival, and arching my back meant that the baby would live. I went into the bathroom one early morning. I looked into the mirror and stared at my face which looked distorted and not mine. I was convinced that because I had woken up in a curled up ball position, the baby had died, and I had killed him by choosing this fetal position. I dressed slowly and went out onto the street. It was August, les vacances, so the streets were deserted. I walked up Avenue du Maréchal to les urgences at the Hopital Esquiral. The lights were off when I entered the main reception room. This woman looked at me angrily, and, after I asked where I should go to see the doctor, said to me: “Mais vous saivez tres bien ou c’est”. I waited in the little dark room to be seen. The nurses opened the door and called out “Madame Coube”. I walked towards them. They asked why I was there. I said “le bebe…” clutching my stomach. They looked horrified. They took me to a small exam room. They examined me and explained that the baby was fine. They left the room, telling me to wait. I got up, dressed, grabbed my passport off of the counter and left, confused and ashamed. I walked back to my apartment and got back into bed.
Eventually, I was placed in the psychiatric unit in St. Maurice. It was the old Charenton Asylum, where the Marquis de Sade had spent the last 14 years of his life, writing and putting on plays. As I was escorted into the main hallway, I heard the other patients slowly and lowly chanting “faire glisser en haut…faire glisser en haut…faire glisser en haut…..” They were walking about in a synchronized manner, as if they had planned the whole thing in advance, waiting for the moment of my arrival. The doctors were standing in a line, and, as I walked passed, they lowered their heads, shaking them side to side. One doctor said, “C’etait une gentille dame” with tears in his eyes. A nurse showed me to my room. I heard her say to me, in a mix of French and English: “This is your honte room”. Your shame room. I entered.