
DURATION means accumulations of the past [boiling] to the present- the present a continuous change which never stops changing and changing is always the production of the new. 

VISION is an instrument of perceiving the present- what pure perception does is unlimit, unreduce, unbreak and un-constrain the phenomena of living.

BREAKING “the insufficiency” of natural perception means abandoning “normal psychical life” - that “system of functions” those “psychic organs” whose “work” is “elimination, correction and bringing back to the point”; keeping that sounded mind functioning and healthy by filtering what’s not- that psychedelic panoptic chaos that threatens extinction by overload.

BENIGN form- severe form. That latter form “turning back on itself by continually pressing it forward to the future”.  The future unconscious, the shadow beside. 

PERCEPTION is bound in the future - a memory not of the past but the present in the making.  “The forward-springing one”, perception - deeper still, not a difference of nature, but of intensity, degree. 

ENDURING is splitting apart at every present moment. The split so violent. What fleeting limit.  What pain in presence. 

A VIRTUAL IMAGE [1.] is not an ordinary image. A nebulous montage but not yet actual- always waiting, being-becoming. “The mobility of the real” - “one will never create mobility with halts”. The “flowing reality”, grasp by their means and meaning their grasp- Vertigo, deja vu, formidable recollections bringing moving to memory.

MEMORY, a thing never incomplete, containing the whole of the past- pasts passed, passing past. 

The “LIMITS OF THOUGHT” ceaselessly changing direction- “grasp it intuitively” and only so, if so, must be, must do- “itself violence”. “To philosophize means to reverse the normal direction of the workings of thought.”

“FLUID CONCEPTS” - free of “artificial terms”, “disputes” progressive philosophy: “the very movement of the inner life of things”. “Reality is mobility”- states in process of change.

“CONCEIVING is a make-shift” without perception- reasoning to fill the gaps. The gaps are breaks, broken perceptions- perceptions not entire, whole; but reduced for tolerance. THERE is pain in pure perception. Perception doesn’t exist on a map. Maps show territories already determined. 

“THE FORM of it without the matter”. What matter? What matters? 

INDETERMINATION - the SPLIT is more subtle. 

[1.] The Virtual: “Deleuze and Guattari, following Bergson, suggest that the virtual is the mode of reality implicated in the emergence of new potentials. In other words, its reality is the reality of change: the event.  The virtual is not contained in any actual form assumed by things or states of things. It runs in the transitions from one form to another.” In: